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- $Unique_ID{how04355}
- $Pretitle{}
- $Title{Rough Riders
- Part I}
- $Subtitle{}
- $Author{Roosevelt, Theodore}
- $Affiliation{}
- $Subject{general
- spaniards
- young
- fight
- time
- troops
- first
- wood
- captain
- jungle
- see
- pictures
- see
- figures
- }
- $Date{}
- $Log{See General Wheeler's Headquarters*0435501.scf
- }
- Title: Rough Riders
- Book: Chapter III: General Young's Fight At Las Guasimas
- Author: Roosevelt, Theodore
- Part I
- Just before leaving Tampa we had been brigaded with the First (white) and
- Tenth (colored) Regular Cavalry under Brigadier-General S.B.M. Young. We were
- the Second Brigade, the First Brigade consisting of the Third and Sixth
- (white), and the Ninth (colored) Regular Cavalry under the Brigadier-General
- Sumner. The two brigades of the cavalry division were under Major-General
- Joseph Wheeler, the gallant old Confederate cavalry commander.
- General Young was - and is - as fine a type of the American fighting
- soldier as a man can hope to see. He had been in command, as Colonel, of the
- Yellowstone National Park, and I had seen a good deal of him in connection
- therewith, as I was President of the Boone and Crockett Club, an organization
- devoted to hunting big game, to its preservation, and to forest preservation.
- During the preceding winter, while he was in Washington, he had lunched with
- me at the Metropolitan Club, Wood being one of the other guests. Of course,
- we talked of the war, which all of us present believed to be impending, and
- Wood and I told him we were going to make every effort to get in, somehow; and
- he answered that we must be sure to get into his brigade, if he had one, and
- he would guarantee to show us fighting. None of us forgot the conversation.
- As soon as our regiment was raised General Young applied for it to be put in
- his brigade. We were put in; and he made his word good; for he fought and won
- the first fight on Cuban soil.
- Yet, even though under him, we should not have been in this fight at all
- if we had not taken advantage of the chance to disembark among the first
- troops, and if it had not been for Wood's energy in pushing our regiment to
- the front.
- On landing we spent some active hours in marching our men a quarter of a
- mile or so inland, as boat-load by boat-load they disembarked. Meanwhile one
- of the men, Knoblauch, a New Yorker, who was a great athlete and a champion
- swimmer, by diving in the surf off the dock, recovered most of the rifles
- which had been lost when the boat-load of colored cavalry capsized. The
- country would have offered very great difficulties to an attacking force had
- there been resistance. It was little but a mass of rugged and precipitous
- hills, covered for the most part by dense jungle. Five hundred resolute men
- could have prevented the disembarkation at very little cost to themselves.
- There had been about that number of Spaniards at Daiquiri that morning, but
- they had fled even before the ships began shelling. In their place we found
- hundreds of Cuban insurgents, a crew of as utter tatterdemalions as human eyes
- ever looked on, armed with every kind of rifle in all stages of dilapidation.
- It was evident, at a glance, that they would be no use in serious fighting,
- but it was hoped that they might be of service in scouting. From a variety of
- causes, however, they turned out to be nearly useless, even for this purpose,
- so far as the Santiago campaign was concerned.
- We were camped on a dusty, brush-covered flat, with jungle on one side,
- and on the other a shallow, fetid pool fringed with palm-trees. Huge
- land-crabs scuttled noisily through the underbrush, exciting much interest
- among the men. Camping ias a simple matter, as each man carried all he had,
- and the officers had nothing. I took a light mackintosh and a tooth-brush.
- Fortunately, that night it did not rain; and from the palm-leaves we built
- shelters from the sun.
- General Lawton, a tall, fine-looking man, had taken the advance. A
- thorough soldier, he at once established outposts and pushed reconnoitring
- parties ahead on the trails. He had as little baggage as the rest of us. Our
- own Brigade-Commander, General Young, had exactly the same impedimenta that I
- had, namely, a mackintosh and a tooth-brush.
- Next morning we were hard at work trying to get the stuff unloaded from
- the ship, and succeeded in getting most of it ashore, but were utterly unable
- to get transportation for anything but a very small quantity. The great
- shortcoming throughout the campaign was the utterly inadequate transportation.
- If we had been allowed to take our mule-train, we could have kept the whole
- cavalry division supplied.
- In the afternoon word came to us to march. General Wheeler, a regular
- game-cock, was as anxious as Lawton to get first blood, and he was bent upon
- putting the cavalry division to the front as quickly as possible. Lawton's
- advance-guard was in touch with the Spaniards, and there had been a skirmish
- between the latter and some Cubans, who were repulsed. General Wheeler made a
- reconnaissance in person, foun out where the enemy was, and directed General
- Young to take our brigade and move forward so as to strike him next morning.
- He had the power to do this, as when General Shafter was afloat he had command
- ashore.
- I had succeeded in finding Texas, my surviving horse, much the worse for
- his fortnight on the transport and his experience in getting off, but still
- able to carry me.
- It was mid-afternoon and the topic sun was beating fiercely down when
- Colonel Wood started our regiment - the First and Tenth Cavalry and some of
- the infantry regiments having already marched. Colonel Wood himself rode in
- advance, while I led my squadron, and Major Brodie followed with his. It was a
- hard march, the hilly jungle trail being so narrow that often we had to go in
- single file. We marched fast, for Wood was bound to get us ahead of the other
- regiments, so as to be sure of our place in the body that struck the enemy
- next morning. If it had not been for his energy in pushing forward, we should
- certainly have missed the fight. As it was, we did not halt until we were at
- the extreme front.
- The men were not in very good shape for marching, and moreover they were
- really horsemen, the majority being cowboys who had never done much walking.
- The heat was intense and their burdens very heavy. Yet there was very little
- straggling. Whenever we halted they instantly took off their packs and threw
- themselves on their backs. Then at the word to start they would spring into
- place again. The captains and lieutenants tramped along, encouraging the men
- by example and word. A good part of the time I was by Captain Llewellen, and
- was greatly pleased to see the way in which he kept his men up to their work.
- He never pitied or coddled his troopers, but he always looked after them. He
- helped them whenever he could, and took rather more than his full share of
- hardship and danger, so that his men naturally followed him with entire
- devotion. Jack Greenway was under him as lieutenant, and to him the entire
- march was nothing but an enjoyable outing, the chance of fight on the morrow
- simply adding the needed spice of excitement.
- It was long after nightfall when we tramped through the darkness into the
- squalid coast hamlet of Siboney. As usual when we made a night camp, we
- simply drew the men up in column of troops, and then let each man lie down
- where he was. Black thunder-clouds were gathering. Before they broke the
- fires were made and the men cooked their coffee and pork, some frying the
- hard-tack with the pork. The officers, of course, fared just as the men did.
- Hardly had we finished eating when the rain came, a regular tropic downpour.
- We sat about, sheltering ourselves as best we could, for the hour or two it
- lasted; then the fires were relighted and we closed around them, the men
- taking off their wet things to dry them, so far as possible, by the blaze.
- Wood had gone off to see General Young, as General Wheeler had instructed
- General Young to hit the Spaniards, who were about four miles away, as soon
- after daybreak as possible. Meanwhile I strolled over to Captain Capron's
- troop. He and I, with his two lieutenants, Day and Thomas, stood around the
- fire, together with two or three non-commissioned officers and privates; among
- the latter were Sergeant Hamilton Fish and Trooper Elliot Cowdin, both of New
- York. Cowdin, together with two other troopers, Harry Thorpe and Munro
- Ferguson, had been on my Oyster Bay Polo Team some years before. Hamilton
- Fish had already shown himself one of the best non-commissioned officers we
- had. A huge fellow, of enormous strength and endurance and dauntless courage,
- he took naturally to a soldier's life. He never complained and never shirked
- any duty of any kind, while his power over his men was great. So good a
- sergeant had he made that Captain Capron, keen to get the best men under him,
- took him when he left Tampa - for Fish's troop remained behind. As we stood
- around the flickering blaze that night I caught myself admiring the splendid
- bodily vigor of Capron and Fish - the captain and the sergeant. Their frames
- seemed of steel, to withstand all fatigue; they were flushed with health; in
- their eyes shone high resolve and fiery desire. Two finer types of the
- fighting man, two better representatives of the American soldier, there were
- not in the whole army. Capron was going over his plans for the fight when we
- should meet the Spaniards on the morrow, Fish occasionally asking a question.
- They were both filled with eager longing to show their mettle, and both were
- rightly confident that if they lived they would win honorable renown and would
- rise high in their chosen profession. Within twelve hours they both were
- dead.
- I had lain down when toward midnight Wood returned. He had gone over the
- whole plan with General Young. We were to start by sunrise toward Santiago,
- General Young taking four troops of the Tenth and four troops of the First up
- the road which led through the valley; while Colonel Wood was to lead our
- eight troops along a hill-trail to the left, which joined the valley road
- about four miles on, at a point where the road went over a spur of the
- mountain chain and from thence went down hill toward Santiago. The Spaniards
- had their lines at the junction of the road and the trail.
- Before describing our part in the fight, it is necessary to say a word
- about General Young's share, for, of course, the whole fight was under his
- direction, and the fight on the right wing under his immediate supervision.
- General Young had obtained from General Castillo, the commander of the Cuban
- forces, a full description of the country in front. General Castillo promised
- Young the aid of eight hundred Cubans, if he made a reconnaissance in force to
- find out exactly what the Spanish strength was. This promised Cuban aid did
- not, however, materialize, the Cubans, who had been beaten back by the
- Spaniards the day before, not appearing on the firing-line until the fight was
- over.
- General Young had in his immediate command a squadron of the First
- Regular Cavalry, two hundred and forty-four strong, under the command of Major
- Bell, and a squadron of the Tenth Regular Cavalry, two hundred and twenty
- strong, under the command of Major Norvell. He also had two Hotchkiss
- mountain guns, under Captain Watson of the Tenth. He started at a quarter
- before six in the morning, accompanied by Captain A. L. Mills, as aide. It
- was at half-past seven that Captain Mills, with a patrol of two men in
- advance, discovered the Spaniards as they lay across where the two roads came
- together, some of them in pits, others simply lying in the heavy jungle, while
- on their extreme right they occupied a big ranch. Where General Young struck
- them they held a high ridge a little to the left of his front, this ridge
- being separated by a deep ravine from the hill-trail still farther to the
- left, down which the Rough Riders were advancing. That is, their forces
- occupi d a range of high hills in the form of an obtuse angle, the salient
- being toward the space between the American forces, while there were advance
- parties along both roads. There were stone breastworks flanked by
- block-houses on that part of the ridge where the two trails came together.
- The place was called Las Guasimas, from trees of that name in the
- neighborhood.
- General Young, who was riding a mule, carefully examined the Spanish
- position in person. He ordered the canteens of the troops to be filled,
- placed the Hotchkiss battery in concealment about nine hundred yards from the
- Spanish lines, and then deployed the white regulars, with the colored regulars
- in support, having sent a Cuban guide to try to find Colonel Wood and warn
- him. He did not attack immediately, because he knew that Colonel Wood, having
- a more difficult route, would require a longer time to reach the position.
- During the delay General Wheeler arrived; he had been up since long before
- dawn, to see that everything went well. Young informed him of the
- dispositions and plan of attack he made. General Wheeler approved of them,
- and with excellent judgment left General Young a free hand to fight his
- battle.
- [See General Wheeler's Headquarters: A consultation at General Wheeler's
- headquarters.]
- So, about eight o'clock Young began the fight with his Hotchkiss guns, he
- himself being up on the firing-line. No sooner had the Hotchkiss one-pounders
- opened than the Spaniards opened fire in return, most of the time firing by
- volleys executed in perfect time, almost as on parade. They had a couple of
- light guns, which our people thought were quick firers. The denseness of the
- jungle and the fact that they used absolutely smokeless powder, made it
- exceedingly difficult to place exactly where they were, and almost immediately
- Young, who always liked to get as close as possible to his enemy, began to
- push his troops forward. They were deployed on both sides of the road in such
- thick jungle that it was only here and there that they could possibly see
- ahead, and some confusion, of course, ensued, the support gradually getting
- mixed with the advance. Captain Beck took A Troop of the Tenth in on the
- left, next Captain Galbraith's troop of the First; two other troops of the
- Tenth were on the extreme right. Through the jungle ran wire fences here and
- there, and as the troops got to the ridge they encountered precipitous
- heights. They were led most gallantly, as American regular officers always
- lead their men; and the men followed their leaders with the splendid courage
- always shown by the American regular soldier. There was not a single
- straggler among them, and in not one instance was an attempt made by any
- trooper to fall out in order to assist the wounded or carry back the dead,
- while so cool were they and so perfect their fire discipline, that in the
- entire engagement the expenditure of ammunition was not over ten rounds per
- man. Major Bell, who commanded the squadron, had his leg broken by a shot as
- he was leading his men. Captain Wainwright succeeded to the command of the
- squadron. Captain Knox was shot in the abdomen. He continued for some time
- giving orders to his troops, and refused to allow a man in the firing-line to
- assist him to the rear. His First Lieutenant, Byram, was himself shot, but
- continued to lead his men until the wound and the heat overcame him and he
- fell in a faint. The advance was pushed forward under General Young's eye
- with the utmost energy, until the enemy's voices could be heard in the
- entrenchments. The Spaniards kept up a very heavy firing, but the regulars
- would not b, denied, and as they climbed the ridges the Spaniards broke and
- fled.
- Meanwhile, at six o'clock, the Rough Riders began their advance. We
- first had to climb a very steep hill. Mans of the men, foot-sore and weary
- from their march of the preceding day, found the pace up this hill too hard,
- and either dropped their bundles or fell out of line, with the result that we
- went into action with less than five hundred men - as, in addition to the
- stragglers, a detachment had been left to guard the baggage on shore. At the
- time I was rather inclined to grumble to myself about Wood setting so fast a
- pace, but when the fight began I realized that it had been absolutely
- necessary, as otherwise we should have arrived late and the regulars would
- have had very hard work indeed.
- Tiffany, by great exertions, had corralled a couple of mules and was
- using them to transport the Colt automatic guns in the rear of the regiment.
- The dynamite gun was not with us, as mules for it could not be obtained in
- time.
- Captain Capron's troop was in the lead, it being chosen for the most
- responsible and dangerous position because of Capron's capacity. Four men,
- headed by Sergeant Hamilton Fish, went first; a support of twenty men followed
- some distance behind; and then came Capron and the rest of his troop, followed
- by Wood, with whom General Young had sent Lieutenants Smedburg and Rivers as
- aides. I rode close behind, at the head of the other three troops of my
- squadron, and then came Brodie at the head of his squadron. The trail was so
- narrow that for the most part the men marched in single file, and it was
- bordered by dense, tangled jungle, through which a man could with difficulty
- force his way; so that to put out flankers was impossible, for they could not
- possibly have kept up with the march of the column. Every man had his canteen
- full. There was a Cuban guide at the head of the column, but he ran away as
- soon as the fighting began. There were also with us, at the head of the
- column, two men who did not run away, who, though non-combatants - newspaper
- correspondents - showed as much gallantry as any soldier in the field. They
- were Edward Marshall and Richard Harding Davis.
- After reaching the top of the hill the walk was very pleasant. Now and
- then we came to glades or rounded hill-shoulders, whence we could look off for
- some distance. The tropical forest was very beautiful, and it was a delight
- to see the strange trees, the splendid royal palms and a tree which looked
- like a flat-topped acacia, and which was covered with a mass of brilliant
- scarlet flowers. We heard many bird-notes, too, the cooing of doves and the
- call of a great brush cuckoo. Afterward we found that the Spanish guerillas
- imitated these bird-calls, but the sounds we heard that morning, as we
- advanced through the tropic forest, were from birds, not guerillas, until we
- came right up to the Spanish lines. It was very beautiful and very peaceful,
- and it seemed more as if we were off on some hunting excursion than as if we
- were about to go into a sharp and bloody little fight.
- Of course, we accommodated our movements to those of the men in front.
- After marching for somewhat over an hour, we suddenly came to a halt, and
- immediately afterward Colonel Wood sent word down the line that the advance
- guard had come upon a Spanish outpost. Then the order was passed to fill the
- magazines, which was done.
- The men were totally unconcerned, and I do not think they realized that
- any fighting was at hand; at any rate, I could hear the group nearest me
- discussing in low murmurs, not the Spaniards, but the conduct of a certain
- cow-puncher in quitting work on a ranch and starting a saloon in some New
- Mexican town. In another minute, however, Wood sent me orders to deploy three
- troops to the right of the trail, and to advance when we became engaged;
- while, at the same time, the other troops, under Major Brodie, were deployed
- to the left of the trail where the ground was more open than elsewhere - one
- troop being held in reserve in the centre, besides the reserves on each wing.
- Later all the reserves were put into the firing-line.
- To the right the jungle was quite thick, and we had barely begun to
- deploy when a crash in front announced that the fight was on. It was
- evidently very hot, and L Troop had its hands full; so I hurried my men up
- abreast of them. So thick was the jungle that it was very difficult to keep
- together, especially when there was no time for delay, and while I got up
- Llewellen's troops and Kane's platoon of K Troop, the rest of K Troop under
- Captain Jenkins which, with Bucky O'Neill's troop, made up the right wing,
- were behind, and it was some time before they got into the fight at all.
- Meanwhile I had gone forward with Llewellen, Greenway, Kane and their
- troopers until we came out on a kind of shoulder, jutting over a ravine, which
- separated us from a great ridge on our right. It was on this ridge that the
- Spaniards had some of their intrenchments, and it was just beyond this ridge
- that the Valley Road led, up which the regulars were at that very time pushing
- their attack; but, of course, at the moment we knew nothing of this. The
- effect of the smokeless powder was remarkable. The air seemed full of the
- rustling sound of the Mauser bullets, for the Spaniards knew the trails by
- which we were advancing, and opened heavily on our position. Moreover, as we
- advanced we were, of course, exposed, and they could see us andafire. But
- they themselves were entirely invisible. The jungle covered everything, and
- not the faintest trace of smoke was to be seen in any direction to indicate
- from whence the bullets came. It was some time before the men fired;
- Llewellen, Kane, and I anxiously studying the ground to see where our
- opponents were, and utterly unable to find out.
- We could hear the faint reports of the Hotchkiss guns and the reply of
- two Spanish guns, and the Mauser bullets were singing through the trees over
- our heads, making a noise like the humming of telephone wires; but exactly
- where they came from we could not tell. The Spaniards were firing high and
- for the most part by volleys, and their shooting was not very good, which
- perhaps was not to be wondered at, as they were a long way off. Gradually,
- however, they began to get the range and occasionally one of our men would
- crumple up. In no case did the man make any outcry when hit, seeming to take
- it as a matter of course; at the outside, making only such a remark as, "Well,
- I got it that time." With hardly an exception, there was no sign of flinching.
- I say with hardly an exception, for though I personally did not see an
- instance, and though all the men at the front behaved excellently, yet there
- were a very few men who lagged behind and drifted back to the trail over which
- we had come. The character of the fight put a premium upon such conduct, and
- afforded a very severe test for raw troops; because the jungle was so dense
- that as we advanced in open order, every man was, from time to time, left
- almost alone and away from the eyes of his officers. There was unlimited
- opportunity for dropping out without attracting notice, while it was
- peculiarly hard to be exposed to the fire of an unseen foe, and to see men
- dropping under it, and yet to be, for some time, unable to return it, and also
- to be entirely ignorant of what was going on in any other part of the field.
- It was Richard Harding Davis who gave us our first opportunity to shoot
- back with effect. He was behaving precisely like my officers, being on the
- extreme front of the line, and taking every opportunity to study with his
- glasses the ground where we thought the Spaniards were. I had tried some
- volley firing at points where I rather doubtfully believed the Spaniards to
- be, but had stopped firing and was myself studying the jungle-covered
- mountain ahead with my glasses, when Davis suddenly said: "There they are,
- Colonel; look over there; I can see their hats near that glade," pointing
- across the valley to our right. In a minute I, too, made out the hats, and
- then pointed them out to three or four of our best shots, giving them my
- estimate of the range. For a minute or two no result followed, and I kept
- raising the range, at the same time getting more men on the firing-line.
- Then, evidently, the shots told, for the Spaniards suddenly sprang out of the
- cover through which we had seen their hats, and ran to another spot; and we
- could now make out a large number of them.
- I accordingly got all of my men up in line and began quick firing. In a
- very few minutes our bullets began to do damage, for the Spaniards retreated
- to the left into the jungle, and we lost sight of them. At the same moment a
- big body of men who, it afterward turned out, were Spaniards, came in sight
- along the glade, following the retreat of those whom we had just driven from
- the trenches. We supposed that there was a large force of Cubans with General
- Young, not being aware that these Cubans had failed to make their appearance,
- and as it was impossible to tell the Cubans from the Spaniards, and as we
- could not decide whether these were Cubans following the Spaniards we had put
- to flight, or merely another troop of Spaniards retreating after the first
- (which was really the case) we dared not fire, and in a minute they had passed
- the glade and were out of sight.